

A collection of my random thoughts without explanation

Foods that taste better from a cute mug:

  • Cereal
  • Ice cream
  • Reheated brownies
  • Leftover soup
  • Second day spaghetti

My favorite foods:

  • Chilli (my recipe)
  • Tamales
  • Biryani
  • Nachos
  • Sushi

Shows that should have ended long before they did:

  • Nikita
  • The Wire
  • Once Upon a Time
  • Euphoria (wrap it up, 1 season was fine, 2 was pushing it)
  • Stranger Things
  • Shameless
  • Riverdale

Offensive textures:

  • Wet hair touching my skin
  • Microfibre
  • Cotton balls
  • Eggshells
  • Crunchy knits
  • Printer paper with dry hands
  • Pilled fabric
  • Sand

Things i dislike in video games:

  • Stealth missions
  • Timed races
  • Timed jumps and swinging platforms
  • Rhythm
  • Turn-based combat


  • Albuquerque, New Mexico belongs in the twilight zone
  • Sub sandwiches are better the next day
  • Unloading the dishwasher is worse than loading it
  • All dads like to show off around new people
  • Aliens statistically have to be real
  • I’d rather go to the deep sea than to space